Licence rip off
(too old to reply)
2003-12-25 11:05:36 UTC
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx

At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next

Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
Stealth Pilot
2003-12-25 14:22:43 UTC
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
you know that there is an element of tripe to what is written on the
dotars web site.

australian pilot's licences are permanently valid.
having made them permanent the permanence cannot be undone.
in fact your original old licence from the 60's is still a permanently
valid document, as is the plastic fantastic and the current ICAO
format document. dont throw the old ones out.

all that can be changed are the conditions for the medical and the

I suspect strongly that whoever worded the dotars website has not a
clue as to the setup of the australian licences.

in time the rampant paranoia will die down.
Stealth Pilot
2003-12-25 15:00:22 UTC
Stealth Pilot wrote in message
Post by Stealth Pilot
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
you know that there is an element of tripe to what is written on the
dotars web site.
australian pilot's licences are permanently valid.
having made them permanent the permanence cannot be undone.
in fact your original old licence from the 60's is still a permanently
valid document, as is the plastic fantastic and the current ICAO
format document. dont throw the old ones out.
all that can be changed are the conditions for the medical and the
I suspect strongly that whoever worded the dotars website has not a
clue as to the setup of the australian licences.
in time the rampant paranoia will die down.
<sigh> Oh ye believer in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc, check out the
original "permanent" """lifetime""" firearms licence - which somehow is now
a 2 year pay for licence...........

IOW, anyone who trusts any politician is a f'ing idiot.
2003-12-25 20:50:44 UTC
Post by RT
Stealth Pilot wrote in message
Post by Stealth Pilot
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
you know that there is an element of tripe to what is written on the
dotars web site.
australian pilot's licences are permanently valid.
having made them permanent the permanence cannot be undone.
in fact your original old licence from the 60's is still a permanently
valid document, as is the plastic fantastic and the current ICAO
format document. dont throw the old ones out.
all that can be changed are the conditions for the medical and the
I suspect strongly that whoever worded the dotars website has not a
clue as to the setup of the australian licences.
in time the rampant paranoia will die down.
<sigh> Oh ye believer in the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny etc, check out the
original "permanent" """lifetime""" firearms licence - which somehow is now
a 2 year pay for licence...........
IOW, anyone who trusts any politician is a f'ing idiot.
I am with JR on this one. Politicians have the track record. You have
to have rocks in head to trust them, let alone ASIO. Perhaps it time
for GA pilots to stop meekly accepting the erosion of conditions,
while there is some left. Over the last 10 years our numbers have
dropped nearly 50%. Bodes well for the future of GA in Australia. One
place to start will be to make a haemorrhoid of yourself
www.aph.gov.au will find your local members email & details. Some
others to annoy, (well at least their staff) are
***@aph.gov.au ***@aph.gov.au
***@aph.gov.au for the opposition you never know they may
discover a backbone one day and of course ***@aph.gov.au
You may even have a local member whose has served less than 8 years
and have their pension to worry about.
Bernie Samms
2003-12-25 23:54:50 UTC
Well Stealth we had perpetual speedboat drivers licences in Tassie. Guess
what? We all got letters telling us that they had invalidated perpetual
licences and that we would in future have to pay an annual licence fee. If
they can do it for boat drivers they can do it to pilots just as easily. I
think it stinks but in the end the politicians want to try and show the
people they are doing something. We all know its rank stupidity but thats
Bernie Samms
Kingston Beach Tasmania

Aero Club of Southern Tasmania www.acst.com.au
Prologic Pty Ltd www.prologic.com.au

Out Mail has been checked by Norton Anti Virus but no absolute guarantee is
made that mail or attachment(s) are virus free.
Post by Stealth Pilot
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
you know that there is an element of tripe to what is written on the
dotars web site.
australian pilot's licences are permanently valid.
having made them permanent the permanence cannot be undone.
in fact your original old licence from the 60's is still a permanently
valid document, as is the plastic fantastic and the current ICAO
format document. dont throw the old ones out.
all that can be changed are the conditions for the medical and the
I suspect strongly that whoever worded the dotars website has not a
clue as to the setup of the australian licences.
in time the rampant paranoia will die down.
Stealth Pilot
2003-12-26 23:33:35 UTC
AOPA, ASA & AGACF are fighting against it.

See write up from AVWEB regarding it @
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
ken (good grief we're inverted)
2003-12-28 12:16:53 UTC
In Australia the current government wants absolute control over everything -
we have megalomaniacs in charge and they are totally paranoid to the max.
There are terrorist under every bed and they use this as a convenient excuse
to get the pheasants under control. In the US they at least have a right to
disagree which we don't rally have here and they are not frightened to
exercise that right either - we on the other hand are too laid back she'll
be right mate.
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
2003-12-28 20:33:24 UTC
Post by ken (good grief we're inverted)
There are terrorist under every bed and they use this as a convenient excuse
to get the pheasants under control.
Those Yank gamekeepers will use every trick in the book.
2003-12-29 10:17:42 UTC
Post by ken (good grief we're inverted)
In Australia the current government wants absolute control over everything -
we have megalomaniacs in charge and they are totally paranoid to the max.
There are terrorist under every bed and they use this as a convenient excuse
to get the pheasants under control. In the US they at least have a right to
disagree which we don't rally have here and they are not frightened to
exercise that right either - we on the other hand are too laid back she'll
be right mate.
Personally, I find the "constructive apathy" of the Oz population ensures we
don't go near civil war, or the assassination method of changing governments
like they sometimes do in other countries. If any of our governments begin to
go too far off the middle road, they usually wind up out of office, or we vote
in the independents in the Senate just to keep the radicals (from either side)
under control (as in the present situation).
I reckon it works pretty well, actually.....

ken (good grief it's upside down)
2004-01-04 02:47:00 UTC
true - there are worse things, but I reckon we could disagree with
unreasonable things just a we bit more than we do.
Post by Coop
Post by ken (good grief we're inverted)
In Australia the current government wants absolute control over everything -
we have megalomaniacs in charge and they are totally paranoid to the max.
There are terrorist under every bed and they use this as a convenient excuse
to get the pheasants under control. In the US they at least have a right to
disagree which we don't rally have here and they are not frightened to
exercise that right either - we on the other hand are too laid back she'll
be right mate.
Personally, I find the "constructive apathy" of the Oz population ensures we
don't go near civil war, or the assassination method of changing governments
like they sometimes do in other countries. If any of our governments begin to
go too far off the middle road, they usually wind up out of office, or we vote
in the independents in the Senate just to keep the radicals (from either side)
under control (as in the present situation).
I reckon it works pretty well, actually.....
2004-02-15 12:53:27 UTC
Howard's henchmen have done it again. I bet the buffoons at DoTaRS got hard
and horny when they explained their plans to the Minister.
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror' threat
being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on terror. We are
going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our lives, have our
fingerprints taken for records and pay for it all. $200 and a photo
Details can be seen http://www.dotars.gov.au/transsec/fact_sheet6.aspx
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just lay
back and tack it without a wimper.
Paul Repacholi
2004-02-15 16:14:36 UTC
Post by thegoons
Howard's henchmen have done it again. I bet the buffoons at DoTaRS got hard
and horny when they explained their plans to the Minister.
Post by Ian
I see our beloved PM has done it again. The so called 'terror'
threat being used to generate revenue and appear 'tough' on
terror. We are going to have the honour to have ASIO pry into our
lives, have our fingerprints taken for records and pay for it
all. $200 and a photo licence. Details can be seen
Plenty of sheet, but bugger all facts.
Post by thegoons
Post by Ian
At least the sport aircraft are exempt... for now...or the next
So what is a `sports aircraft'? And who pays the wages if they
pull some poor bastards licence and dump him out of a job?
Post by thegoons
Post by Ian
Even the George W has not this far. Or do wa as Aus piolts just
lay back and tack it without a wimper.
Just waking up from post xmas depression I hope...
Paul Repacholi 1 Crescent Rd.,
+61 (08) 9257-1001 Kalamunda.
West Australia 6076
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